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Flight Data Files

On this page you can access the source material, arranged by country of relevance.


CUBA (US Naval Station, Guant�namo Bay)


Flight logs to and from Guant�namo Bay

Data on a range of military and civilian aircraft (94 flights, January 2002 – June 2006)
Sourced by: Ana Gomes MEP




Question 612

Eurocontrol FOI response (Denmark): letter and spreadsheet from CRCO to CAA-Denmark (12 June 2008)
Data on 1549 flights billed to Universal Weather, December 2001 – May 2008
Requested by: Danish CAA, for Minister of Transport to respond to parliamentary question (Q. 612)
NOTE: most of these records are for non-suspicious aircraft

Eurocontrol FOI response (Denmark): email and spreadsheet from CRCO to CAA-Denmark (2 June 2008)
Data on 1520 flights billed to Universal Weather, April 2003 – March 2008
Requested by: Danish CAA, for Minister of Transport to respond to parliamentary question (Q. 612)
NOTE: most of these records are for non-suspicious aircraft


IMWG report

Appendix 4: data of overflights of Denmark
Data on 36 aircraft (478 flights, January 2001 – January 2008)

Appendix 5: data of landings in Denmark
Data on 15 aircraft (63 flights, October 2001 – June 2007)

Appendix 6: data of overflights of Greenland
Data on 57 aircraft (1273 flights, January 2001 – April 2008)

Appendix 7: data of landings in Greenland
Data on 27 aircraft (116 flights, February 2001 – March 2008)

Appendix 8: data of overflights of Faroe Islands
Data on 2 aircraft (3 flights, March 2005 – June 2005)


Question 881

Annex to the written answer to Question 881
Data on two aircraft, N787WH and N961BW (17 flights, January 2005 – July 2010)




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Finland FOI response: spreadsheet from Ministry of Transport and Communications to Access Info Europe (15 December 2011)
Data on 6 aircraft (19 flights, June 2001 – February 2010)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe
Request covered 32 aircraft not covered by the Nov 2011 response to Amnesty International

Finland FOI response: letter and spreadsheet from Ministry for Foreign Affairs to Amnesty International (3 November 2011)
Data on 14 aircraft (263 flights, January 2001 – November 2006)
Requested by: Amnesty International

[Note: several days prior to this release to Amnesty, on 28 October 2011, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs released a separate, slightly larger flight list to the public (with 291 flights). There is significant overlap, however, and it appears that the AI release is a subset of this overall list.]




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Germany FOI response: letter from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development to Access Info Europe (11 October 2011)
Data on 3 aircraft (16 flights, May 2003 – December 2004)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Iceland FOI response: letter from Isavia to Access Info Europe (2 March 2012)
Data on 12 aircraft (19 flights, August 2002 – September 2006)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Ireland FOI response: letter from Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to Access Info Europe (1 November 2011)
Data on 4 aircraft (8 flights, March 2002 – October 2004)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe




Seimas Report

Data on 4 aircraft (5 flights, February 2003 – March 2006)

Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Lithuania FOI response: letter from CAA to Access Info Europe (20 June 2011)
Data on 4 aircraft (10 flights, February 2003 – October 2006)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Norway FOI response: letter from CAA to Access Info Europe (28 November 2011)
Data on 6 aircraft (12 flights, March 2004 – March 2006)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

Poland FOI response: letter from PANSA to HFHR & OSJI (16 Sep 2009)
19-page release, with data on two aircraft: N313P and N379P. There was no data released on the third aircraft in the request, N63MU.
Requested by: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Open Society Justice Initiative
HFHR and OSJI have produced an explanatory document, in Feb 2010, relating to this release.
The Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice has produced its own analysis of this PANSA data, in conjunction with data from the Marty Investigation (which the team secured access to).

Poland FOI response: letter from PANSA to HFHR (31 Mar 2010)
Data on two aircraft: SNA157 and N8213G.
Requested by: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Open Society Justice Initiative

Poland FOI response: letter from PANSA to HFHR (2 Jun 2010)
Data on N63MU.
Requested by: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Open Society Justice Initiative

Poland FOI response: letter from Border Guard Office to HFHR (23 Jul 2010)
Data on N63MU, N379P and N313P.
Requested by: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Open Society Justice Initiative

Poland FOI response: letter from PANSA to HFHR and Reprieve (4 Jul 2011)
Data on N85VM, N787WH, N1HC and N733MA.
Requested by: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Reprieve

Poland FOI response: letter from PANSA to Reprieve (25 Oct 2011)
33-page release, with no cover letter. Data on 18 movements, of 10 aircraft, with complex data strings included. Data on 79 movements had been requested (the full list is at the back).
Requested by: Reprieve

In addition, HFHR produced a 4-page summary document which pulls together the data from releases in 2009 and 2010.
The summary provides data on 11 flights into Poland by 4 separate aircraft: N63MU, N379P, N8213G and N313P.
NOTE: There is a typographical error in this document, where the date for the 31 March 2010 release is referred to as 23 March 2009.




Flight logs to and from Guantanamo Bay

Data on a range of military and civilian aircraft (94 flights, January 2002 – June 2006)
Sourced by: Ana Gomes MEP
NOTE: many of these flights stopped over on Portuguese territory




Flights list of suspicious CIA flights

A list of flights there the UK Government has been alerted to concerns regarding rendition through the UK, its Overseas Territories or the Crown Dependencies
Data on 391 flights (March 2001 – December 2005)




Freedom of Information Requests and Responses

US FOI response: spreadsheet from FAA to Access Info Europe (30 November 2011)
Data on 43 aircraft (4,739 flights, January 2002 – December 2006)
Requested by: Reprieve and Access Info Europe
 [Note: these figures are for international flights only. In total, the FAA response includes data on 44 aircraft (27,127 flights, January 2002 – December 2006), the majority of which are domestic US flights.]









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University of Westminster University of Kent E.S.R.C