Rendition Aircraft
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The Rendition Flights Database currently contains global flight data on 122 US-registered civilian aircraft, as well as some military flights into Guantanamo Bay. This data has been compiled through an integration of the results of a wide range of past investigations into rendition flights.
It is important to note that specific aircraft have often been included in past investigative work not because there is concrete evidence of their involvement in the renditions programme, but because of some other circumstantial connection. For example, several aircraft in the Database are included because they are operated or owned by companies also known to operate/own aircraft that have been clearly linked to rendition. This means that the Database is a tool for investigating new leads, but also that not all of the aircraft included will necessarily have been involved in the CIA's programme.
The Rendition Project has thus far compiled and released concrete evidence regarding 16 US-registered civilian aircraft which suggests that they were involved in the rendition of detainees. We have provided brief profiles of these aircraft, which can be accessed by clicking on the aircraft tail numbers here:
- N1HC (Gulfstream IV)
- N248AB (Gulfstream IV)
- N288KA (Gulfstream III)
- N308AB (Gulfstream IV)
- N313P-N4476S (Boeing 737)
- N379P-N8068V-N44982 (Gulfstream V)
- N614RD (Gulfstream IV)
- N63MU (Gulfstream IV)
- N724CL (Boeing 727)
- N733MA (Boeing 737)
- N740EH (Boeing 737)
- N787WH (Boeing 737)
- N829MG-N259SK (Gulfstream III)
- N85VM-N227SV (Gulfstream IV)
- N88ZL (Boeing 707)
- N982RK (Gulfstream III)